Rachel Levin

Rachel Levin is a San Francisco-based journalist who has written about pastrami and Pt. Reyes, piano men and poet-chefs, high-tech tipping and high-minded suppers for such publications as the New York Times, the New Yorker, Lucky Peach, and Sunset, where she was a former senior travel editor. Rachel is the 2018 recipient of the Karola Saekel Craib Excellence in Food Journalism Fellowship from the San Francisco Chapter of Les Dames D’Escoffier and on the editorial committee of La Cocina’s live story telling series, F&B: Voices from the Kitchen. As Eater’s, first, and only, San Francisco restaurant critic, she spent a year eating, a lot, and opining professionally. She is the author of LOOK BIG: And Other Tips for Surviving Animal Encounters of All Kinds (Ten Speed, 2018). Her next book, EAT SOMETHING, a pop-culture look at Jews and food, with Wise Sons Deli, will be published by Chronicle in Spring 2020. byrachellevin.c