
Danielle Svetcov

Danielle Svetcov is an agent at Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary, an author of middle-grade fiction (Parked—forthcoming), a former magazine and newspaper writer, and a native San Franciscan. Her food-writing clients include: New York Times bestsellers Elyse Kopecky and Shalane Flanagan (Run Fast Eat Slow), Bryant Terry (Afro-Vegan), Thomas McNaughton (flour + water), Russell Moore and Allison Hopelain (This is Camino), Evan and Sarah Rich (Rich Table), Karen Solomon (Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It), Adrianna Adarme (The Year of Cozy), Michelle McKenzie (Dandelion & Quince), Stuart Brioza and Nicole Krasinski (State Bird Provisions), Celia Sack (The Omnivore’s Keeper), Brandon Jew (cookbook forthcoming), Michelle Polzine (cookbook forthcoming), Sophie Egan (book forthcoming), and Wise Sons (cookbook forthcoming), among many others.